Best Uses for a Productivity Timer

Keeping track of time is an important part for any productive individual or organization. Here is a list of some of the most frequent, and best uses for a productivity timer.

Productivity timer for study

Use the timer to improve your studying. Photo by Vlada Karpovich (

Efficient study is essential when finishing school and passing exams. A productivity and a pomodoro timer can help you out.

Research has shown that the process of learning is more effective when study time is divided into smaller units, e.g. 20 or 30 minute stages. This improves memorizing as short breaks refresh the brain. Consistent study schedule can also help. So yes, definitely use a timer for studying.

Schools can use the timer too to better manage time, for example with presentations or when performing exams.


Productivity timer for work

Using the productivity timer for work. Photo by Karolina Graboska (

Similar to learning, work efficiency improves when we take regular breaks, stretch our body and refresh the mind. Here again, a good timer can help.

Planning work in advance helps us become more efficient, unlike when we are working “off the cuff” without a clear direction or timeframe.

Timer is best used to divide work into different stages and different tasks, this gives a sense of completion and breaks monotony. There are many different productivity timers online. We recommend using one that is easy to use, there is no need to complicate the work further.


Using the productivity timer as a focus timer

Improve your focus and get things done by using a productivity timer. Photo: Antoni Shkraba (

Use the productivity timer to focus and get things done, make short and long breaks in between. Pomodoro Timer works great fot this. You can also use sounds to remind you of breaks and when to take them. You can also divide tasks into several stages / timeframes.


Timer for a business meeting

Using a timer for a business meeting brings great performance benefits. Photo: Fauxels (

Companies waste huge amounts of time on needless meetings that don’t produce results. This is especially true when there are no clear goals and no time constraints.

In case of in person meeting studies (Harvard study, 2016) show that the levels of CO2 in a crowded meeting room reduces the capacity for higher-level cognitive function. A 2019 study also warned that chronic exposure to elevated CO2 carries long-term health risks.

This is why we recommend using a timer for every business meeting. It will not only limit the duration of the meeting, but it will allow all members to speak by allocating time to each person. We all know people who talk too much, while some don’t get the opportunity.

A timer for church

Use the timer to make the meeting and the sermon more effective.

Churches can use a timer too. A timer is usually used to show participants when the service starts.

Another good use of the timer is to limit the length of the sermon. Many pastors make their sermons too long which makes the message uneffective, people start to get bored and lose interest. Using a simple timer can definitely reduce this very common problem.

As a simple speaker rule, it is better to be a bit shorter than too long. Shorter message will leave people wanting to hear more, especially when the sermon is good. But when the message is too long it will just ruin otherwise a good sermon.


Do you know some other good use for a productivity timer? You are welcome to leave your comment below.


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